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who lays my eggs?

Buff Orpingtons - Large Brown Egg Layers


Rhode Island Reds - Extra Large Brown Egg Layers


Ameraucanas - Large Blue Egg Layers


Araucanas - Large Blue Egg Layers


Silkies - Small White Egg Layers


California Whites - Large White Egg Layers


Silver Laced Wyandottes - Large White Egg Layers


Frizzles - Medium Cream Egg Layers


Brahma - Large Brown Egg Layers


Our hens live in a spacious, clean, and well-ventilated coop. They are fed fresh vegetables from our gardens and high tunnels, along with oyster shells to fortify their eggshells. They also enjoy free-ranging around our farm and receive plenty of love and care from our farmers and farmhands.


We take pride in the quality of our eggs and stand behind our hens. If you are ever unsatisfied with any of your eggs, please contact us immediately so we can address the issue.

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